Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Neo-Lympics project

Deviantart will have a Sim-A-Lympics, of course but here I will be working on my own personal version of the series. The Neo-Lympics will involve teams consisting soley of my OC's. They will consist of both familiar characters such as Shonnie Flash, Jiggy Joe, Screwloose and the Neo-Force, but also new characters like Kitomi, Cyber Knight, Rita, Reindeer, and many more. Shonnie Flash will be leading the Shonnie Shiners team which include many different heroes and crime-fighters. Jiggy Joe the Penguin will be leading the Jiggy Joeys team consisting of other talking animals and anthro characters. And Dr. Archimedes Screwloose will lead the Screwy Schemers, a wicked team of villains and crooks. All of them will be competeing for the chance to win a gold medal! Stay Tuned, folks.

And to my friends on DA reading this, don't worry. Don't worry, my main focus for now will be the Sim-A-Lympics.